Personal Insurances

We know you have worked hard to make your house a home.

Pension & Retirement
Individuals 18-65 years old, who wish to participate in a pension plan that offers various retirement options.
Protect your home
Your home probably represents the biggest financial and emotional investment you will ever make. When buying home insurance, bear in mind that your property insurance should not only cover the home structure, but also its contents and liability in case someone is injured on your property.
A wide range of coverage for all your insurance needs
Comprehensive Coverage
- Value of replacement of the building with a new one
- Temporary relocation cost
- Civil liability
- Covers for natural disasters
- Damage to the building
- A comprehensive thief insurance program that covers any kind of content inside building
- Provision of insurance protection of the building and its contents against fire or other basic insurance coverage abroad.
- A comprehensive insurance policy covering valuable and other personal belongings against loss or damage
- Compensation of damages cause of the building as a result of thief or attempted thief

Full-service Insurance agency
We are a full-service agency with many years of experience in managing a wide range of risks and exposures, with satisfied clients throughout the island.